Monday, February 16, 2009

Awkward Music Videos

So we all know the internet is a great place for people to show their talents. I mean, look, we already saw Kazookeylele, and Chocolate Rain's an old hit. Well, I have a few new ones, original tracks and some dubs, that can be locked away as another hit for internet music.

This first one is a guy enjoying his time on the jumbtron a little too much:

Next is a tribute to George Washington (language is a little rough on this one)

This next one is one of my favorite things on Youtube. They make these folk-y video songs that I just love!

This last one I stumbled upon completely by accident, but these guys did a whole musical week where they all sang a Vlog entry. I think this was the best for the week:

1 comment:

  1. those were great! i especially loved the folk-y song. that right up there with my favorite songs now!
