Thursday, February 26, 2009

Birth of a Viral Video

My tribute to one of the earliest Viral Videos: Numa Numa

Friday, February 20, 2009


I just saw this video and thought we could continue the theme of Awkward Music Videos. Enjoy!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Awkward Music Videos

So we all know the internet is a great place for people to show their talents. I mean, look, we already saw Kazookeylele, and Chocolate Rain's an old hit. Well, I have a few new ones, original tracks and some dubs, that can be locked away as another hit for internet music.

This first one is a guy enjoying his time on the jumbtron a little too much:

Next is a tribute to George Washington (language is a little rough on this one)

This next one is one of my favorite things on Youtube. They make these folk-y video songs that I just love!

This last one I stumbled upon completely by accident, but these guys did a whole musical week where they all sang a Vlog entry. I think this was the best for the week:

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


If you guys are anything like me, you hate sitting through cheesy info-mercials.

These re-dubs make them a lot easier to handle. Enjoy!

Friday, February 6, 2009

$0.002 = 0.002¢

I guess Verizon has their own system of math:

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Stoners, start 'em young.

I don't have much to say about this one, except it's hilarious.

The kid just got back from surgery at the dentists.

To quote Collegehumor, "He's no longer scared of the dentist, but he's terrified of the like, meaninglessness of life and stuff."
Video compliments of Collegehumor.


Hey guys!

So I've made this wonderful podcast for you all to listen to... It's not really too long and it's just about some weird news I found.

or listen to it here.